un ki be-ruKHi mein bhi iltifat shamil hai
aaj kal meri haalat dekhne ke qabil hai
Even her indifference some kindness does contain
My condition needs to be seen for I cannot explain
qatl ho to mera sa maut ho to meri si
mere sogwaron mein aaj mera qatil hai
Today amongst my mourners, my murderer too grieves
A death, a murder as was mine, all lovers should attain
har qadam pe nakaami har qadam pe mahrumi
ghaaliban koi dushman doston mein shamil hai
It was as if amidst my friends there was an enemy
A failure and deprived at every step did I remain
muztarib hain maujen kyun uTh rahe hain tufan kyun
kya kisi safine ko aarzu-e-sahil hai
Why are the waves so agitated, why do storms unfold?
Does a ship amidst the seas, seek the shores again?
sirf rahzan hi se kyun 'amir' shikwa ho
manzilon ki rahon mein rahbar bhi hail hai
When guides too are present in the journey's course
Then only of highwaymen why should one complain?

Unki be-ruKHi mein bhi iltifat shamil hai
Ameer Qazalbash