ishq karte hain us pari-ru se
'mir' sahab bhi kya diwane hain
he is in love with that angel face
what a crazy person is this mii
Mir Taqi Mir
ishq mashuq ishq aashiq hai
yani apna hi mubtala hai ishq
both lover and beloved be
love's self-involved entirely
Mir Taqi Mir
jab ki pahlu se yar uThta hai
dard be-iKHtiyar uThta hai
when from my side my love departs
a gush of grief unbidden starts
Mir Taqi Mir
jis sar ko ghurur aaj hai yan taj-wari ka
kal us pe yahin shor hai phir nauhagari ka
the head that's held high today because it wears a crown
tomorrow, here itself, will in lamentation drown
Mir Taqi Mir
jo is shor se 'mir' rota rahega
to ham-saya kahe ko sota rahega
O Miir so loudly, if you continue to weep
how will your neighbor be able to stay asleep
Mir Taqi Mir
kya kahun tum se main ki kya hai ishq
jaan ka rog hai bala hai ishq
what can I say of love to thee
soul's ailment and calamity
Mir Taqi Mir
le sans bhi aahista ki nazuk hai bahut kaam
aafaq ki is kargah-e-shishagari ka
breathe here softly as with fragility here all is fraught
in this workshop of the world where wares of glass are wrought
Mir Taqi Mir